Wednesday 4 May 2011

Trunk Deliveries are on!

The delivery of Open Beta trunks has resumed! I was, unfortunately, asleep when the go ahead was given so I missed out. I have since received my trunk and birthed my Meeroos, all 6, without any problems what-so-ever. It went very well according to the Meeroos blog with over 2,500 trunks sent out. That is no easy task and it is a big step towards the official release of Meeroos. I'd like to take a second to say thank you to everyone in Open Beta, and that is everyone no matter what opinions they hold. I want to thank you not because you are helping Malevay Studios, although that is great, but because in assisting them you are helping create a better product for us all. And by us all, I mean me. So thank you, the official release is going to be much smoother than it could possibly have been without our help. Of course I have to say thank you to Team Meeroos for all their coding and CSR work over the past few weeks, and for creating the Meeroos in the first place; I would be remiss if I left them out as they have done a fantastic job.

One note: it looks like most of the problems people are having now with their Meeroos are because they still have items from the Monday release. The Tuesday release trunk contains different versions of the Home Stump and Meeroos Nests, if you still have old Monday release items it is recommended you delete them and use only items from the Tuesday release as per this quote from the Meeroos blog: "We're only supporting content delivered this evening. We can't replace broken nests from last night, or stumps, or trunks. This was a complete do over, and the content from this release was much more reliable. The old content from last night that isn't working should be deleted. Please don't contact a CSR regarding content from last night; that includes nests, trunks and stumps. We must focus solely on content from tonight's beta release." I am not sure if there is a version number change between the two, my new stump appears to be v0.77. If you do have issues with the new content it looks like the correct way to report it is still directly to a CSR, in notecard form, with as much detail as possible.

There are some very cool new genetics, or at least traits I had not heard of before, in this new bunch. I am going to post a few quick pictures now and will try to follow up with another blog post tonight when I have photographed some more of them. If you have pictures, and don't mind me using them here, send them to me at: Please include your SL name and if you would like them attributed to you or not.

Here you go. These are all Meeroos I just got from the Open Beta Tuesday release [Captions refer to the photos above them]:

Near: Canine Head, Far: Normal Head

Near: Short Upright Ears, Far: Normal Ears

Short Upright Ears

Beta coat with facial tattoo (watermark) visible

Anybody know what is up with that neck ruffle thing on the one with the facial tattoo? Seen it on a few Meeroos but I don't see a listing for it on the HUD. Not sure what it is about. If anybody has any ideas drop me an email or an IM InWorld. I would love to know!

= I'm reading about #Meeroos: Trunk Deliveries are on!Tweet this post!

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