Tuesday 3 May 2011

Pre-Orders are still open

I noticed that the Meeroos blog still has posted on the front page that the end of pre-orders will be announced in advance. Now I thought this had happened already, with the final date being April 22nd. Since the blurb on the blog has not changed, I decided to go InWorld and have a look. I was surprised at what I found.

That is correct, the pre-order trunk is still there next to the Oracle and is still functioning. At least I hope it is as I pre-ordered another Family Pack of Meeroos myself while I was there, in the name of research of course. I did get my receipt number fine and it looks like it went through in good order.

If you don't yet have Meeroos on pre-order, or if you want to add more to your initial collection, head over to Twas and take this second chance to pick them up. Keep in mind that pre-orders have nothing to do with Open Beta. You do NOT have to be in Open Beta to pre-order. Anybody can pre-order and everybody should. You get your Meeroos three days before the official release! They are Cute!

Good luck to those of you who will be awake for the 8:00pm SLT Open Beta Final Phase trunk deliveries tonight. Alas, I myself, am off to bed. Goodnight everyone. Tomorrow should be filled with Meeroos again!

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