Monday, 18 July 2011

Sixty Days to Breed

My Pre-Order Meeroos turned sixty (60) last night and stopped being able to breed. It was a bit sad as I had to release a few of them to make room for the new generation of breeders. One thing I noticed is it looks like Meeroos can breed through their sixtieth (60th) day. That is: they can continue to breed until they are over sixty (60). So once they hit 60.25 they will show as Elders and will not be able to breed. It might be important to know for your breeding strategy; my partner and I had a few pairs that bred a mere twenty (20) minutes before they became Elders. Having that Nest granted each of them three hundred (300) Regard points as well as the two hundred and fifty (250) points the Nest itself is worth. That is quite a bit of Regard from a pair we would have Released earlier had we thought they could not breed on their sixtieth (60th) day.

To put any rumours to rest: there is no Regard point bonus, either to the Meeroo or the Owner when the Meeroo hits Elder status. If that is the only reason you are holding on to some of yours, I am sorry to disappoint you.

I am excited to be starting on my second batch of Meeroos. I have added some in throughout my first batch, and still have some that are not yet close to Elder status. But for the most part all of my Meeroos currently are babies! It should be very interesting to see what I get from them. I am looking forward to figuring out more about their genetics this time around and I will keep you all updated here on the blog. With the first set, the Pre-Orders and the ones I got right after release, my strategy was to see how they bred and I used mostly random pairing in the beginning with a few stabs at breeding for a trait just recently. Now it is time to get a bit more scientific, now that I know a little more about the mystical creatures. The next sixty (60) days should be a very educational.

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  1. I already released some young useless without drama, but tonite I had released the first elder, a beloved shy autumn ... just a second before hitting the Release button, she covered her eyes with pawns (like shy does), and my heart had an hickcup

    I know well (I'm a system engineer), they are only pixels, but ... I know well (I'm an SL olbie, too), they AREN'T only pixels :)

    I've snuggled her a lot before releasing, hope she's fine in the wild ...

  2. Awww, I am sure she is fine. The other wild Meeroos will look after her. I hear rumours of fermented berries...
