Thursday, 19 May 2011

Pet-able Meeroos Locations

I know many of you have been looking for places to pet other peoples Meeroos and many people have been looking for a place to list their location so people can do exactly that. It is a win-win situation: the Avatar doing the petting gains one hundred (100) regard points for petting ten (10) Meeroos they do not own and each Meeroo who gets petted receives ten (10) regard points in their personal regard pool. Everybody gains something and you get to go out and explore the Grid to see Meeroos that have traits you may have never seen before.

Since I have not seen any such place to list locations yet, I will offer one here. I'll start it off by listing my own Meeroo habitat SLURL [It is a work in progress, pretty barren at the minute.], if you would like to list yours here: IM me, or email me or whatever and I will get it added. If you want to be quick you can just leave a comment and I'll get it from there [Make sure you let me know who you are!]. Everything is going so well with the little guys; lets try to get as many petted as possible! [Remember: you do need a Meeroos HUD to interact with (pet) them.] 
Pet-able Meeroos Locations:
Fos Dagger & scarlett Tamura's Meeroos:

The list of pet-able Meeroos locations has been moved HERE to make it easier to update and find. There is a link on the right hand bar under "Pages" as well.

If anybody is interested in listing their Fellowship that is looking for members that would be fine too. Just send me the name of the Fellowship and the SL name of the contact person who can add people. Keep in mind that for this to work I do have to list both, and you might end up getting a lot of requests to join [I will verify the request with the Contact person InWorld prior to listing]. If you do list here and your Fellowship hits its maximum Member count please let me know and I will temporarily un-list it until you need more members again. Once more I'll start it off myself, with my partners Fellowship:

Fellowships looking for Members:
"Midnight Meeroos" Contact: scarlett Tamura

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  1. Hi Fos, I have a location for Meeroo petting, but I'm not in a Fellowship, it is Critter Country and the SURl is

    Josephina Bonetto

  2. Thank you Josephina, I got you added to the list :)
